What our Customers say...

Cleaning Testimonials

I requested SERVPRO to come out to Disinfect my shop and customers car I am very happy that I did so will Peace of mind that customers are safe and office staff as well I will use them repeatedly every week very reasonable price


I have used them twice in the past 3 months. First was a water cleanup project at my home. The boys came out, cleaned up the place, and replaced everything which could cause problems down the line. This is all in one day. Additionally, given that their company is well known, I was reimbursed by my insurance company without any problems. This time I needed them to come out and disinfect my office given the COVID outbreak. They thoroughly sprayed the rooms, cleaned up any residue, and were done in under 2 hours. While I don't recall the first tech's name, this time around it was Arlen. He was very knowledgeable, answered all my questions, and was patient in doing so. In closing, I recommend SERVPRO for all your cleanup and disinfecting jobs.